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Tracking Accounts and Contacts On Your Website

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  • Post category:ABM Guides
  • Post last modified:September 29, 2023

In the ever-changing landscape of modern marketing, tracking accounts will help you stay ahead of the curve.

As businesses strive to build stronger connections with their customers, personalization has become the name of the game.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through account-based marketing (ABM), a strategy that treats individual accounts as unique markets.

But here’s the catch: personalization in ABM can only be as good as the data it relies on. And where better to source that data than your website?

In this blog post, we will explore the skill of collecting personal details on your website, providing you with the insights you need to drive your ABM strategy to new heights.

Get ready to uncover the secrets of effortlessly gathering valuable customer data. Buckle up and venture on a transformative journey that will revolutionize your approach to account-based marketing.

It’s time to harness the power of personalization like a pro!


Personalization Tactics Through the Years

In recent years, marketing has undergone a profound transformation.

Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all advertising campaigns.

Today’s consumers expect a tailored experience that speaks directly to their needs, preferences, and pain points.

This shift towards personalization is not just a trend; it’s a fundamental change in how businesses engage with their audience.

The driving force behind this transformation is data. With advanced analytics tools and the proliferation of data sources, marketers can now access customer information.

This data encompasses everything from demographic details and browsing behaviors to purchase history and social media activity.

Harnessing this data effectively is where the magic of personalization begins.

By understanding your audience on a granular level, you can craft content and marketing strategies that resonate deeply with them.

This, in turn, leads to higher engagement, increased brand loyalty, and, ultimately, improved conversion rates.


Why Track Accounts and Contacts on your Website


Tracking the accounts and contacts of users when they visit your website is crucial for the success of an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy. Here are several compelling reasons why this practice is essential for businesses:

Personalization: ABM delivers highly personalized and tailored experiences to your target accounts. You gain valuable insights into their interests, needs, and behaviors when you track the accounts and contacts visiting your website. This information allows you to create content and messaging that speaks directly to their pain points and goals, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Contextual Engagement: Knowing which accounts are engaging with your website content and which contacts within those accounts are showing interest allows you to engage with them more meaningfully and contextually relevantly. You can provide relevant content recommendations, send personalized follow-up emails, and initiate conversations aligning with their needs.

Lead Scoring and Prioritization: You can implement lead-scoring models specific to ABM by tracking accounts that visit your website. You can assign scores to accounts and contacts based on their level of engagement and interest, helping you prioritize high-value leads for further nurturing and outreach.

Tracking Accounts Progress: Monitoring account-level website activity helps you understand the progress of each target account through the buyer’s journey. You can identify where they are in the sales funnel and tailor your marketing and sales efforts accordingly. For instance, if an account has been researching your product extensively, it may be time to reach out with a personalized demo.

Sales Alignment: Tracking accounts and contacts on your website fosters better alignment between marketing and sales teams. Sales can benefit from insights about which accounts are actively researching your offerings, allowing them to approach those accounts with more knowledge and relevance.

Content Optimization: Website tracking accounts help you optimize your content strategy. You can see which content resonates most with your target accounts and use that information to create more of what works and refine what doesn’t.



Measuring ABM ROI: Effective tracking allows you to calculate the ROI of your ABM efforts more accurately. You can attribute website visits, interactions, and conversions directly to specific target accounts and evaluate the impact of your ABM campaigns.

Continuous Improvement: Tracking accounts and contacts over time provides a wealth of data to inform ongoing campaign refinement. You can adjust your ABM strategy based on real-time insights, ensuring that you’re constantly adapting to your target accounts’ evolving needs and behaviors.

In essence, tracking accounts and contacts on your website is the foundation of data-driven ABM.

It enables you to deliver personalized, timely, and relevant experiences, leading to higher engagement, better conversion rates, and stronger relationships with your most valuable accounts.

You must track accounts to navigate the ABM landscape blindfolded, missing out on opportunities to connect and convert your ideal customers.


Steps to Track Accounts and Contacts on Your Website



Step 1: Define Your Target Accounts. Identify and define the specific target accounts you want to focus on in your ABM strategy. These are the companies or organizations you aim to engage with.

Step 2: Choose the Right Technology Stack. Select the necessary software and tools to facilitate tracking accounts and data collection. Commonly used technologies include:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System: Utilize a CRM like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Microsoft Dynamics to manage and track account information and contacts.
  • Marketing Automation Platform: Invest in a marketing automation tool such as Marketo, Pardot, or HubSpot Marketing Hub for lead tracking and personalized content delivery.
  • Web Analytics Tools: Implement web analytics solutions like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics to monitor website traffic.
  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Software: Consider ABM platforms like Terminus, Demandbase, or RollWorks, which specialize in tracking and engaging target accounts.

Step 3: Implement Website Tracking Codes Integrate tracking codes, such as Google Analytics tracking tags or scripts provided by your CRM and marketing automation platforms, into your website. Ensure that these codes are placed on all relevant pages.

Step 4: Create Unique Account IDs. Assign unique identifiers to each of your target accounts. This could be done within your CRM or ABM software. These identifiers will help you associate website activity with specific accounts.

Step 5: Track Account-Level Website Activity. Set up tracking rules within your ABM software to monitor website activity at the account level. This may include tracking page visits, content downloads, form submissions, and other interactions that indicate interest.

Step 6: Capture Contact Information. Implement lead capture forms and progressive profiling on your website. Gradually collect contact information from website visitors as they engage with your content.

Step 7: Leverage IP Tracking. Utilize IP tracking tools provided by your ABM software to match IP addresses to specific companies. This helps identify account-level visits even before individual contacts are known.

Step 8: Segment and Score Accounts. Segment your target accounts based on their website activity and engagement levels. Use lead scoring to prioritize high-value accounts for personalized outreach.

Step 9: Personalize Content and Outreach Leverage the data collected to personalize content recommendations and outreach efforts. Craft tailored messages and offers that resonate with each account and contact’s needs and interests.

Step 10: Monitor and Iterate Regularly review the data and analytics your tracking tools provide. Adjust your ABM strategy based on insights, and continuously refine your approach to maximize engagement and conversions.

By following these steps and leveraging the right technology stack, you can effectively track accounts and contacts on your website, enabling a highly targeted and personalized account-based marketing strategy that drives results.


How to Track Accounts Responsibly


Ensuring that you don’t violate any rules when gathering data from customers who visit your website is crucial to maintaining trust and complying with data privacy regulations. Here’s how you can safeguard data collection practices:

  1. Transparency and Consent: Be transparent about your data collection practices. Clearly state what data you collect, why you order it, and how it will be used in your website’s privacy policy. Ensure that users can consent before collecting data, incredibly personal and sensitive information.
  2. Compliance with Data Privacy Laws: Familiarize yourself with data privacy laws that apply to your business, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. Ensure that your data collection practices align with the requirements of these laws.
  3. Data Minimization: Only collect data that is necessary for your intended purpose. Avoid collecting excessive or irrelevant information. Only collect data if a piece of data is crucial for your marketing efforts.
  4. Secure Data Storage: Implement robust security measures to protect the data you collect. Use secure servers, encryption, and access controls to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.
  5. Anonymization and Pseudonymization: To reduce the risk of identifying individuals, anonymize or pseudonymize data. This is particularly important when tracking accounts.
  6. User Control: Provide users with options to control their data. Allow them to access, edit, or delete their data and honor their requests promptly.
  7. Cookie Consent: If you use cookies for tracking accounts, ensure you comply with cookie consent regulations. Display a clear and easily accessible cookie banner or pop-up that informs users about cookie usage and provides options for acceptance or rejection.
  8. Educate Your Team: Train your team members, especially those involved in data collection and marketing, about data privacy regulations and best practices. Ensure they understand the importance of compliance.

By adhering to these practices and staying informed about the latest developments in data privacy, you can minimize the risk of violating rules and regulations while collecting data from visitors to your website. This protects your customers’ privacy and helps build trust and credibility for your brand.


In closing, the journey toward personalization and excellence in account-based marketing (ABM) is intrinsically linked to responsible data collection on your website. As a business owner, your dedication to ethical data practices isn’t just a legal requirement; it’s a strategic imperative that can elevate your marketing efforts to new heights.

At the heart of personalization and ABM lies the trust you build with your target accounts and contacts. Transparency, consent, and data minimization form the bedrock of this trust. When visitors to your website are assured that their data is handled carefully and used to enhance their experiences, you create a powerful bond that drives engagement and conversions.

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