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4 B2B Ads Retargeting Pitfalls You Should Avoid

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  • Post category:ABM Guides
  • Post last modified:January 13, 2023

Ads retargeting has become a powerful tool in the B2B market, allowing businesses to reach out to those customers who have already visited their website or interacted with their brand.

Companies can increase customer engagement and conversions by leveraging customer data and targeting the right audience.

But while retargeting ads can be effective, they require careful attention.

In this article, we’ll look at the key considerations for retargeting ads in the B2B market, including creating effective ads, defining a target audience, and measuring success.

What is Ads Retargeting?

Ads retargeting, or remarketing, is a form of digital marketing that enables businesses to target and re-engage potential customers who have already visited their website or app.

By leveraging user data and user-level targeting, retargeting allows businesses to tailor ads to individuals based on their browsing history and other attributes.

This form of marketing has become more prominent as businesses seek ways to reach their target audience effectively.

Ads retargeting utilize cookies and other tracking technologies to create a tailored advertisement experience for each user.

It allows businesses to identify the users who have interacted with their website and then serve ads specific to that user audience.

It is through various channels, including display ads, social media ads, search ads, and email marketing.

The following are some common pitfalls you should avoid when conducting ad retargeting.


Inappropriate Display of Ads

Delivering an advertisement to the right person at the right time is frequently insufficient for any digital marketing strategy.

Instead, the advertisement should be engaging. Consider a retailer that shows adverts for products that website users have never looked at to them again.


Although it would seem obvious to make certain that retargeted advertising only offers goods, services, or content in which people have expressed interest, mistakes of this nature do occur.

Markets should employ logic that seeks to maximize the relevancy of the retargeted advertising to avoid this whenever possible.

For instance, a business will profit if it can determine which products a user’s activity indicated were of the most significant interest and if it can offer advertisements for those items.


High Frequency of Ads

Regarding B2B marketing, the problem with not limiting the cap of retargeting ads is that it can lead to a saturation of the same ad being delivered to potential customers.

This saturation can create a sense of annoyance and fatigue with the ad, leading to potential customers ignoring or blocking the ad completely.


Additionally, by not limiting the cap, marketers are potentially taking advantage of the chance to reach new potential customers as the same ad is continuously being delivered to the same people.

It can create a ‘bubble effect’ where the same people are continually exposed to the same content, creating a feedback loop that excludes potential customers outside the bubble.

The lack of a cap on retargeting ads can also lead to a decrease in ROI, which is detrimental to the company’s overall growth.


Lack of Segmentation

When B2B marketers fail to segment their target accounts when doing ad retargeting, the implications can be far-reaching.

By segmenting their target accounts, B2B marketers can gain a better understanding of their target audience and can then apply the results of their segmentation to their retargeting efforts.

It allows them to hone in on their ideal prospects and maximize the efficiency of their retargeting campaigns.

Also, segmenting target accounts provides B2B marketers with the ability to adjust their campaigns on the fly to respond to any changes in the market.

Without segmentation, marketers cannot tailor their ads to the appropriate audience, and as a result, the ads can be highly ineffective.

Moreover, segmentation helps marketers create personalized experiences for potential customers and better ad experiences.


Bombarding Customers Who Already Converted

In B2B marketing, retargeting individuals who are already customers of a service can come with various potential detriments.

Firstly, retargeting individuals who are already customers can lead to a feeling of being over-targeted and alienation from the company.

It can result in a lack of consumer loyalty, as customers may feel that the company needs to push its products or services on them more aggressively.

The adverse effects of customers feeling over-targeted with advertising can be significant and have a lasting impact on businesses.

Customers may become overwhelmed with the amount of advertising they receive, leading to frustration and annoyance.

It can cause them to tune out your advertising altogether, reducing the potential effectiveness of your campaigns.

Customers may also feel they are being watched and their privacy is invaded, leading to a loss of trust in your business and a negative opinion of your brand, resulting in decreased customer loyalty.


Secondly, customers may view your business as intrusive and pushy, following a negative reputation and lost opportunities for future growth.

Not to mention, the performance of ads retargeting to existing customers can increase the business’s cost, as more resources should be put into targeting the same people constantly.

Thirdly, retargeting existing customers can also lead to a negative perception of the company, as customers may view it as intrusive and disrespectful.


It is essential to keep tabs on the other departments to ensure that the customers have a positive experience with the company.

Overall, retargeting is a powerful marketing tool that can give your B2B company the boost it needs to take your business to the next level.

However, with such powerful capabilities comes the need to be especially mindful of potential pitfalls.

For quality and effective campaigns, businesses should carefully plan their strategies, include frequency limits, and be sure to analyze their audiences.

By doing so, you can avoid ad retargeting mistakes and increase the chances of your ads succeeding.


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