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Looking for the Playbook download? You can grab that right here.

And Grab Some More Free ABM Stuff!

Follow the instructions very carefully below:

  • The Account-based Marketing Planning Template
    Instructions: press FILE >> MAKE A COPY on this link and it’s yours to keep.
    There are 4 tabs, taking you from pre-launch goal-setting to post-launch measurement.
  • The Copywriting Template
    Instructions: press FILE >> MAKE A COPY on this link and it’s yours to keep.
    This is an amalgamation of all the great copywriting books; The Ultimate Sales Letter, The 16 Word Sales Letter, Sell Like Crazy and many more. It feels uncomfortable at first, but it really works – for *ANY* medium.
  • The Lifetime Value Calculator
    Instructions: browse to this link and BOOKMARK IT. This is gold for persuading your boss or clients for more ABM budget. Whether generating new business or upselling, keep this tool bookmarked.
  • Email Deliverability Checklist
    Instructions: save this file. NOT MANY companies get this right. If you do, you’ll have a HUGE competitive advantage, email is typically the best response channel and getting delivered is half the battle.
  • LinkedIn “Power Connecting” Mini-Guide eBook
    Instructions: download your PDF file here. If you have over 250 LinkedIn Connections, this method really works. Take the time to do it.
  • The 1-to-1 Video Outreach Method
    If you want to know more about a cutting-edge, ‘at-scale’ 1-to-1 outreach method using intimate, 1-to-1 personalised video email [email protected] for more details.
    This is only for the serious players with >£2k/m budgets in mind. It blows normal LinkedIn/Email outreach out of the water, a B2B health & beauty client won 18 new clients in a few months using this tool :O

And that’s it!

Seriously, follow these guides and you WILL run successful ABM campaigns. Go get ’em.



Bonus Material

You lucky devil you… we’ve added some more items you weren’t even told about during your purchase!
If you’ve been on any of our email lists you may already have some of these, we’re generous emailers.

  • Target Account Planner [PDF]
    Instructions: save this file and it’s yours to keep.
  • Is my content interesting to my audience?? [gSheet]
    Instructions: press file >> make a copy of this gSheet and it’s yours to keep.

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