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Affiliate Disclosure

At ABM Hero our goal is to help ABMers run better ABM campaigns.

Over years of experience, we have come across tools that achieve that end.

So let’s talk about affiliate links.

Affiliate Links
Sometimes when we recommend a product, we’ll link to the company’s website using what’s known as an affiliate or referral link. Basically, if you end up buying a product that you found via our link, we get a commission from the vendor as a small “thank you.”

Sometimes that commission is a few quid, sometimes more.
Sometimes it’s a one-time commission; sometimes it’s recurring e.g. if you sign up for a monthly subscription service we might get a percentage of that monthly fee.

But here’s the important thing — that referral doesn’t cost you anything at all. The commission comes from the vendor, not you.

And it goes without saying that we’ll only recommend products we actually believe in, that either we or our peers/partners have recommended. Not just because they pay us a small fee.

In fact, we’re proud to promote these products and services.

So you can easily identify when we’re using an affiliate link, we’ll put a notice on the page, post or email where the link appears.

It’s possible that we didn’t mark some links in older posts as clearly as this, so the safest thing to assume is that any time we link to a third-party product, we *may* get a small commission.

All good?

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